


Credit: Lana Vawser

At the start of last week I had an encounter with the Lord and He showed me large books and on the front of the book it said “Books of Beginnings.” The Lord showed me that in this new era there are going to be many BEGINNINGS.

BEGINNINGS: The point in time or space at which something begins.  SYNONYMS: dawn, birth, inception, conception, origination, genesis, emergence, rise, start, starting point, launch, onset, outset, unfolding, development, developing, debut, kick-off, commencement, opening.”

The Lord spoke to me that in 2020 there are going to be multiple BEGINNINGS and BIRTHINGS. We have entered into a NEW ERA, a new beginning, and in 2020 there is going to be a dawning, a rising, a launching, an unfolding, an opening that is going to take place like never before.

There is going to be clarity and development of vision like never before. There is going to be the manifestation of things God has said in the dark, come into the light in their manifestation.

There will be significant birthing of promises in 2020 and monumental upgrades, and there will also be conception of new vision from the Lord. New assignments and commissions.

However, there is a battle over the books of beginning that the Lord has decreed for your life in 2020 and beyond. The new things the Lord has for you. There are so many things that the Lord has in store for you in 2020 and beyond that you haven’t even thought about or imagined and what you are fighting is not ‘natural circumstances’ but a spiritual battle.

In this encounter I had with the Lord He showed me the BREAKING off of these word curses. There are whirlwinds of jealousy, there have been poisonous words and whispers behind backs but the Lord is dealing with it all.  The Lord showed me that these words being spoken are coming like arrows in the spirit but the Lord is sending forth His fiery arrows to dismantle these words being spoken.

I heard the Lord say:

“The enemy is doing all he can to dismantle and abort that which I am building in the lives of My people in 2020, and many have been fighting and standing for a long time. The time has come for the DISMANTLING of the enemy’s plans and assignments over My people’s lives in opposition to these BEGINNINGS I have decreed. I am teaching My people the power of their words and the power of the tongue. I am awakening My people in discernment and heavenly wisdom as they seek Me and cry out for discernment. I am raising up a people who will not tolerate being pushed around by the enemy anymore but live in the secret place in strength. Their strength comes from Me, the power of My Spirit and living in the place of adoration.”

I know I have released quite few words on the power of praise and worship in the last month, and the Lord won’t let me move from it. The posture of ADORATION of the Lord is causing ACCELERATED ALIGNMENTS in the lives of His people. Out of the place of the ADORATION of God and His beauty, rising up from deep within them is the decree of who He is and the Word of God. He is enthroned on the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3) There is MIGHTY MOVEMENT that is taking place in the place of adoration of who He is, worshiping our beautiful King Messiah Yeshua. The Lord showed me miracles taking place and sudden shifts taking place from the place of praise and worship. The deep place of REST in the worship and praise of who He is and seeing MIRACLES MANIFEST by His hand.

There will be a SUDDEN ALIGNMENT that will take place with the plans and purposes of God for 2020 and the new assignments that He has for His people. Many will receive their joy, excitement and expectation again for 2020 and the ‘blocks’ they have been feeling and seeing will suddenly fall away.

I heard the Lord say: 

I am going to increase the Seer gift in 2020 like never before:  

“And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:17)

The Lord showed me that there will be a MASSIVE increase in the seer gift in 2020 upon the Body of Messiah. There is going to be a mighty outpouring of vision like never before. So much CLARITY. There will be monumental increase of the Body of Messiah learning to SEE in the spirit like never before.  This will prepare the people of God to carry a DOUBLE portion and inherit and occupy what is theirs in Messiah. I heard the Lord say get ready to SEE with such PRECISION!   Be intentional to worship out of 2019 and into 2020!

To read this prophetic word in its entirety, please CLICK HERE.
