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The Power of Intercession

Yeshua Our Intercessor

Hebrews 7:25:

“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”

Intercession is a priestly ministry.  Yeshua, is our High Priest.  As believers, Yeshua wants us to do the work of intercession with Him.  As believers pray, the work of the Holy Spirit aides us, so that we can pray the will of God.     With the help of the Holy Spirit, believers contend in prayer for the purposes of God to be established on the earth. 

Hebrews 4:15:

“For we do not have a kohen gadol who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all the same ways—yet without sin.”

1 Timothy 2:5:

“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Yeshua the Messiah.” 

God Releases His Power Through Intercession

God releases His power through intercession.  Yeshua has given us the authority to overcome all the power of the enemy.  Yeshua, our High Priest, sits far above every throne, dominion, principality, and power – and in a sense, we are seated together with Him (Ephesians 2:6).  Through the power of Yeshua, the wicked schemes of the enemy can be demolished through intercession: every spiritual attack, every setback, every plot, and every wicked assignment – all of it.

Luke 10:18-20:

And Yeshua said to them, “I was watching Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names have been written in the heavens.”

The Believers Role In Intercession

Revelation 1:6:

“…and [He] has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever Amen.”

In my opinion, believers have a tri-fold role as intercessors. Let’s take a look at each role:

Priests – The priestly ministry is a ministry of intimacy and intercession.  During the temple period only the priests were allowed behind the veil.  Only the priests were allowed to offer up sacrifices that would atone for the sins of the people.  

However, in Matthew 27:50-51, the tearing of the veil in the Temple at the moment of Yeshua’s death dramatically symbolized that His sacrifice, the shedding of His own Blood, was a sufficient atonement for our sins. The tearing of the veil signified that now the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time.

Hebrews 4:16:

“Therefore let us draw near to the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help in time of need.”

Also, it is interesting to note that the Kohanim did not engage in battle. As intercessors, we must know when it is time to lay down our bows & arrows and engage in intimacy before the Lord Most High.  As intercessors, it is important for us to know when it is time to contend in prayer or enter into worship when we face spiritual warfare.

Deuteronomy 20:2-4:

“So it shall be, when you are on the verge of battle, that the priest shall approach and speak to the people. And he shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them; for the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.”

The Prophetic Voice – God will often impart prophetic utterances to declare His word through intercession.  It is important to know when it is time to cry aloud, spare not, and release God’s word.

Isaiah 58:1:

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sin.”

Kings – Every kingdom – including God’s kingdom, operates through laws, ordinances, and governmental authority. As children of the King, God has given His children authority to walk effectively in His kingdom. (Luke 10:19).  As intercessors, it is important for us to know when it is time to walk in authority and decree the will of God to be established on the earth.

Revelation 5:10:

“And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

Job 22:28:

“You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.”

As believers we must know when it is time to walk in our realm of authority and release kingdom mandates according to the will of God.  The great Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Prayer is an art by which the Holy Ghost can teach us.” 

The Power of Intercession

I know many powerful intercessors from third-world nations whom God has raised up to contend in prayer against the spiritual darkness that governs their countries. These men and women are like Navy Seals and Special Forces in the realm of the Spirit.  God uses these men and women to stand in prayer against the kind of witchcraft and spiritual darkness that the average American wouldn’t believe existed.    

As intercessors in America, we can no longer shake our heads in amazement at the prevalence of spiritual darkness that governs obscure places.  In America, the enemy isn’t hiding in the shadows any more.  Wickedness in our society is not only prevalent – It Is BOLD.  Just a few months ago in New York City, witches gathered publicly to curse Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh.  It was all over the news – darkness isn’t hiding anymore. 

Beloveds, just a few weeks ago New York passed legislation for full-term abortion. This is modern day infanticide and child sacrifice.   We must contend in intercession aggressively.  We must speak the word of God with BOLDNESS and COMMAND darkness to flee. 

Life In God’s Kingdom Is Naturally Supernatural

1 Corinthians 4:20:

For the kingdom of God is not in word but in POWER.”

 I believe that life in the kingdom of God is naturally supernatural.  In third world nations, signswonders, and creative miracles are a regular part of spiritual life.  Why?  I believe it is because of their dependency and expectation upon God.  

In Luke 8:43-48, Yeshua walked among the crowd where there were many who touched Him.  But virtue did not leave His body until the woman with an issue of blood touched Him.  Many people touched Yeshua – but only one person was healed.  Do you have an “issue” today?  Touch God with your faith and intercession.

Matthew 9:21:

“For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.”

In 1 Corinthians 4:20, Apostle Paul, tells us that the kingdom of God operates in demonstrations of power.  Yet, statistics show that a growing number of young people are becoming more attracted to the occult (i.e. Harry Potter and the Twilight series), because the occult world also operates in manifestations of power.    That is why GOD’S POWER must be in demonstration as it should be in our lives.

I believe, in these latter days, our endurance in spiritual warfare will depend on our prayer life.  As David defeated Goliath, we must go for the jugular in intercession.  We must take a righteous stand in God.  We must pray without ceasing.  Our cadence and our war-cry must be heard in heaven. I believe that God is raising up intercessors who will be like GENERALS  –  able to prevail in prayer. 

Today, may you walk in the tri-fold anointing of a priest, a prophetic voice, and a king in your role as intercessors.   I hope that this message stirred the priestly ministry of intercession within you.  Every believer prays, but not all prayer rises to the level of intercession.  The difference is found deep within the heart of the intercessor.  Most gifts are demonstrated by ability, but intercession is demonstrated by relationship. 

Worship Experience: Praise The Lord – Morning Star Worship

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