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Defeating The Spirit of Sabotage


Defeating The Spirit of Sabotage


In the name of YESHUA,

FATHER, I repent of my sins and the sins of my ancestors. I repent for all disobedience that has blocked Your blessings in my life. Father, I ask that You sever, over-rule, and veto every legal right, legislation, verdict, embargo, and ordinance of the enemy that hinders and prevents me from walking in the fullness of my God ordained destiny.

Father, I ask that You would grant unto me a full PARDON from the penalty, reproach, and consequences of sins based upon Yeshua’s sacrifice on Calvary. Father, I stand on (Romans 8:28-35) and ask You LORD to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

I thank You Father for redeeming me from every generational curse and every assignment of the enemy. I am free from every form of collective captivity in my family line. Please remove those things from my life that would hinder my fruitfulness. Uproot those things in my life that are not like You. Help me to discover and recover the hidden treasures that You intended for me. Father, walk me back to the foundations of my life and heal, deliver, and redeem me. Please restore me to Your original design and purpose as if the enemy never interfered with Your plans for my life.

Father, I stand in the authority You have given me, over the power of the enemy that would bring sabotage, hindrances, obstacles, barriers, blockages, and resistance in my life that keep me from fulfilling Your prophetic destiny for my life.   According to (Hebrews 1:14) I ask the Lord to commission the angels that are assigned to me to go before me and destroy every negative projection of the enemy, conspiracy, obstacle, barrier, blockage, resistance, and sabotage against my life and bring me into the fullness of Your plan’s for me.
In the name of Yeshua, I cancel the assignment of the spirit of sabotage fashioned against my destiny.

Father, I thank You for an excellent spirit. I walk in DIVINE DISTINCTION in every area of my life. Therefore I send the fire of God against every evil spirit that wants to turn the glory of God into shame in my life.

I release the fire of God against the spirit of sabotage that seeks to nullify good things in my life.  I command the departure of every evil planting of the enemy. Every evil planting of Cain, Korah, Haman, Ahitophel, Absolom, Jezebel, Delilah, and Judas in my circle must SCATTER!

Father, I thank You for bionic discernment to see every intricate working going on in my surroundings and give me wisdom to operate with much stealth in the spirit.  The Lord shall frustrate all evil counsel concerning me. Every strategy of hell against my life is destroyed.  Every evil attempt to malign my name is destroyed.  The voice of the Blood of Yeshua shall silence all my accusers.  I regain and recover all lost ground that has been stolen by the enemy’s undermining efforts.  Every negative word spoken against me and the work of my hands by evil perpetrators shall bear no fruit.

Thank You Lord, that You have ordained me to enjoy everything that pertains to life and godliness. I shall not build for others to occupy. I shall live in fulfillment. I shall finish well.

Every work of sabotage fashioned against me to derail my purpose and my destiny is met with utter destruction. I decree that God shall frustrate evil workers and their weapons of iniquity.

I command a straightening out of everything that has been made crooked in my life.

I decree that the seed that the enemy has sown shall not bear fruit.

I decree that those who call my good works evil shall be embarrassed and put to shame.

Every spirit assigned to sabotage my vision and destiny shall be put to shame.

Father, please turn every evil counsel against me to foolishness like that of Ahithophel.

I reject every attempt of the enemy to discredit and despise my assignment. Those who are aggrieved of my assignment shall be put to shame.

I bring the fire of God against every spirit of sabotage that would make me a person of mockery.

May all those who covet good things in my life be removed and be rendered impotent and powerless concerning me.

I release the fire of God against every toiling spirit sent to make me miss my destined grace.

I declare that God within me is unstoppable.

I cancel the assignment of the enemy that is sent to sift me from my place of blessing, purpose, and destiny.  I send the fire of God against every spirit that would relegate me to a place of being forgotten, irrelevant, misunderstood, misrepresented, terminated, demoted, suspended, marginalized, criticized, and ostracized.

I release the fire of God against every attempt to sabotage and destroy my family, marriage, relationships, finances, career, health, ministry, and spiritual destiny.

I send the fire of God against every dragon spirit ready to devour my God-given vision.

Let every evil entity setting a trap of failure for me, fall into their own pit of destruction.

Lion of Judah ROAR over me and silence all my accusers. Let every assignment of slander be SILENCED that is meant to destroy my character Father, please cause me to flourish in Your hands.

Let any covetous person trying to malign my name with the intention of assuming my position fail in their crafty and devious ways.

I declare that those who have gone too far in their attack on my commitment to fulfill God’s purpose for my life shall be embarrassed and put to shame.

I receive God’s immunity from every attack of the enemy. I shall fulfill God’s purpose for my life unhindered. I shall not be put to shame.

Father, thank You for the wisdom to bridle my tongue and not expose the secrets You have spoken concerning my life.

I boldly declare that those who have made themselves agents of hindrance, frustration, sabotage, resistance, and barriers shall be put to shame.

I boldly declare that like Haman’s counsel against Modecai, every evil counsel against me will turn around for my promotion.

I refuse to walk in anger, bitterness, and temptations to compromise, or give into the works of the flesh .  By God’s grace, I will not forfeit God’s grace upon my life.

I release the fire of God against every limitation and barrier which Satan has put before me. I boldly declare that no weapon of the enemy shall stop me from maximizing my God given potential.

Father, I receive Your breakthrough anointing! I receive the anointing of a barrier breaker! I bring the FIRE of God against every demonic gate erected to disturb and limit my progressive flow. I pass through all the gates that the enemy said that I would never pass through.

I declare that every gate, obstacle, barrier, and all sabotage of the enemy that stands between me and my destiny is destroyed by the FIRE of God! Every obstacle of the enemy is SMASHED by the POWER OF GOD!  (Psalms 24:7-9)

I receive divine access into what God has destined for my inheritance.

Every human agent that the enemy has used to thwart my vision will be MOVED OUT OF THE WAY!

I command FREEDOM from every distraction that would hinder me from progressing to my next level of elevation.

I destroy every spirit that is working to produce inaccessibilities in my life. I destroy every strongman positioned at gate of destiny. I command doors that have been shut for a long time to open NOW! I receive the grace to break out of obscurity to favor, from isolation to complete participation, from marginalization to triumphant promotion.

I declare a blessing over all that God has granted to me and I receive divine favor upon my life.

Father, as Your child, please restore my covenant birthright and inheritance. I am established in righteousness. I am free from every form of oppression. Lord please OPEN THE HEAVENS, and pour out GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS over me according to Your will for my life.

In the Name of Messiah Yeshua, I posses ALL my GATES with VICTORY. I proclaim that I have a legal right to receive everything YOU have for me namely:
• Life, Health, Beauty, Mental Sharpness
• Skills, Talents, Spiritual Gifts, Wisdom
• Family, Wealth, Fame, Ministry, Favor
• Open Doors, Joy, Peace, A Future
• Might, Honor, Abundance, Destiny, and Sonship

In Yeshua’s name – AMEN

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