

Spiritual Endurance: God’s Redemptive Love During Hard Times:

Matthew 24:13:
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

Much chaos is happening in the world around us. However, as prophetic people it is necessary that we facilitate the impartations and the warnings that we receive from the Lord in the Spirit of REDEMPTION. God’s ultimate goal is REDEMPTION. As I grow in my prophetic gifting, I am learning that even the most fierce warning is surrounded in God’s REDEMPTIVE LOVE.”

Amos 3:7:

“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”

Be careful about lending an ear to prophetic voices that bring no redemptive value to their warnings. I believe God shares warnings in many different ways, but if you’re not releasing a prayer strategy and if you are speaking without hope you are effectively spewing fear and becoming part of the problem. People cannot pray in faith if they’re riddled with fear over an irresponsible prophetic warning. Test the spirits. – Jennifer LeClaire”

God’s Ultimate Goal Is Redemption…

Revelation 19:7-8:

“Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”

A Message To God’s Servants:

In (Numbers 20:12), we see that God was disappointed with Moses because he became angry, struck the rock, and did not glorify God before the people. For this cause, Moses was not able to enter into the Promised Land. I use to think that Moses’ punishment was a bit harsh. However, no matter how great Moses was, God could not build a nation on anger, pride, fear, and rebellion.

Dream- Marriage Supper of the Lamb/I saw Jesus!!! - YouTube

Social media may not be the traditional Church. However, ministers ‘do your thing.’ Preach God’s word! Prepare God’s people! You will give account for your works, the message you preach, and for the souls that are in your sphere influence. You must ensure that what you are releasing is God breathed… Selah!

A Message To The Bride – Lean Into Me:His Princess | Bride of christ, Prophetic art, Heaven art

Beloveds, during this season of isolation, we are experiencing intense transformation, Lean into God’s PRESENCE! Press into God’s PRESENCE! Embrace His PRESENCE. Desire His PRESENCE. Cultivate your love relationship with God. Rejoice in His PRESENCE! “

Receive a fresh re-awaking! What God is doing secretly in your quite time will soon be seen visibly. In fact, others will notice the beauty, radiance, grace, righteousness, and virtue that exudes from your conversations, your character, your style. People will ask, what is your secret? You shall respond, I have been in the PRESENCE of the Lord. “

In God’s PRESENCE there is a RELEASE of the grace needed to overcome old wounds, deep hurts, fears, and self-sabotaging behaviors. God is releasing the grace to heal brokenness, to transform, and to restore, as if the enemy had never interfered with God’s plan for your life!”

Receive restoration during this season of isolation! Old structures are being de-constructed and life clutter is being removed as we seek God’s face during Pentecost. God is re-constructing and preparing us for a MAGNIFICENT REVEAL of what is FRESH, NEW, UNCHARTED, & INNOVATIVE!

During this time of RESET, truth is being revealed. Allow God to perform His intensive soul-care during this time of stillness and rest. Keep moving forward and do better. Elevation often requires a separation!”

Allow the fresh wind of God’s presence to move upon you, bringing restoration, re-calibration, recovery, refinement, re-alignment, and re-awakening. Allow God to become your TOTAL FULFILLMENT! God is pouring out SOMETHING NEW!

Additional Resources: Spiritual Endurance Brings Redemption – Jennifer LeClaire


If you have not repented of your sins and made Jesus your Lord and Savior, please do so NOW! If you do not have a personal love relationship with Jesus, please invite Jesus into your heart NOW! CLICK HERE!


1 Comment on “Spiritual Endurance: God’s Redemptive Love During Hard Times

  1. Wow this is exactly what I needed to hear right now! Thank you for sharing the Father’s heart! Agape and blessings!