
Dream With GOD
40-Day Devotional


Day 10: Doxology – God Is Doing Something New!

A Doxology is a closing hymn of praise (i.e a hymn of separation). For example, in (Matthew 6:13), Yeshua ended the Lord’s Prayer with a Doxology. “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.” This year, many of us are having to recite a doxology… a hymn of separation… a hymn of praise… over things that God has asked us to walk away from.

Beloveds, the LORD says, “Do not wrestle with Me. Let go of what you are struggling to hold on to, so that I can re-position you and give you BETTER. So much BETTER. Allow me to make it up to you says the LORD. Allow me to dry your tears. Trust me. What’s ahead of you is even better than what you left behind. Your season of frustration has ended. You are about to experience a level of FAVOR like never before.”

Be so busy in this season growing, changing, finding your rhythm… that people will have to get to know you again because you evolved so much.”

Transitions serve a DIVINE PURPOSE in our lives.  If we desire to GROW and DEVELOP we must embrace seasons of CHANGE that move us FORWARD in God.

So go ahead beloveds and pronounce a benediction over it…
Sing a song of praise over it…
Put a praise on it…
Release it and let it go…

Scripture Meditation:

Jude 1:24-25:

“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” 


Father, You will give me dreams to dream and You will fulfill them. Father, please help me to see what You see. If there is any area in my life where I am not not living to my fullest potential in YOU, please help me to partner with You, dream with You, and agree with You, so that Your Kingdom realities are established in every area of my life. In Yeshua’s name – Amen.


PRAY – During this 40-Day journey, let us pray that God would reveal, unfold, uncover, and recover the destiny, plans, blessings, and purpose that He has ordained for us. Let us pray for open doors of opportunity, divine alignment,  and divine encounters.  Let us pray that God will bring clarity and right alignment to us regarding His purpose in every area of our lives. Ask God to close doors that need to remain closed and to strengthen us to walk through new doors of opportunity.  As God’s plans for us unfold, let us pray for wisdom, discernment, direction, and strategies to implement His will.  Let us continually pray in our prayer language and in our understanding.

JOURNAL – During this 40-Day journey, let us write in our prayer journals. Allow God to speak to you and show you the plans that He has for you.

WORSHIP – Praise and worship invites God’s presence. Let’s focus on building a lifestyle of worship during this season of prayer.

REMAIN FOCUSED – We are accomplishing a great work in the realm of the Spirit! Let us cancel every assignment of distraction or discouragement that would hinder our progress during our season of prayer.

FAST – Let’s turn off distractions in our lives. Some may chose to fast a meal. Some may chose to fast entertainment. Father God will show you how to draw closer to him during our season of prayer.

BIBLE – God speaks to us through His word. Let’s read our Bibles daily. There are many “read the bible in a year” plans on YouVersion to chose from.


Worship Experience:


If you have not repented of your sins and made Jesus your Lord and Savior, please do so NOW! If you do not have a personal love relationship with Jesus, please invite Jesus into your heart NOW! CLICK HERE!


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